Miami Divorce Lawyer Directory

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Hoffman & Hoffman PA Miami Divorce Lawyers

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Child Support
Uncontested Divorce
Child Custody
How to file for a divorce
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Domestic Violence has four primary sections

Free Divorce Forms:
We have provided free divorce forms regarding a variety of topics which we hope you will find useful. We have provided both the long and the short financial affidavit forms that anyone who files for divorce must complete. The short form financial affidavit must be completed by individuals earning less than $50,000 a year. The long form financial affidavit must be completed by anyone earning above $50,000.

Another free divorce form relates to a parenting plan. Depending on the relationship between the husband and the wife parenting plans approved by the court may be required. The free divorce form section contains the parenting plan which you can modify for your particular needs.

Divorce Laws:
We have provided an entire copy of the Florida divorce statute. This is a good resource to review prior to litigating a case and to refer to when a divorce case is ongoing to make sure you know the law.

Judges and Courthouse:
Here you will find out directions to the Miami Dade County Courthouse and all of the names and office locations of the judges.

Miami Divorce Lawyers:
Here you will find a list of lawyers ready to help with all your divorce needs